support mp

Mangoprism exists because we believe that independent publications are the way of the future. A core part of our mission is to give emerging writers the experience of being carefully edited and fairly paid for their work.

We are asking friends, family, and people who believe in independent journalism and to sign up to give a small monthly gift to pay our writers, illustrators, and other artists. We also are raising funds to better-compensate our talented web developer Eric, pay annual maintenance fees, and put together fun gifts for our patrons. We are taking zero cut. This is a labor of love. 

In addition to the initial gifts listed in the tiers below, we will give all of our patrons an annual gift as a token of our appreciation.

– Andrew and Danny

Mango Messiah

$8+ / month

Bless you, messiah! ?

You will receive a personalized song: an ode, ditty, diss, or limerick. Your pick!

You will also receive a long-sleeve Mangoprism T-shirt and stickers.

Mango Messiah ?

Address (for mailing merch)
  • $

Mango Maniac

$5 / month

Shalom, maniac! ?

You will receive a long-sleeve Mangoprism T-shirt and stickers.

Mango Maniac ?

Address (for mailing merch)

Mango Matey

$2 / month

Ahoy, matey! ?

You will receive Mangoprism stickers and our undying appreciation.

Mango Matey ?

Address (for mailing merch)

We process payments through Stripe, a widely used payment infrastructure service. Supporters are billed monthly at the rate they select and will receive an email receipt after every charge. If you have any questions, or ever want to change or cancel your recurring payments, please email us at